Every time I see this woman, I will be comparing their photos taken in every day life, the so-called paparazzi, with this cutlery services in fashion, and I think, but it 'really the same person? The natural and 'the woman more' common in the world, and would go absolutely unnoticed, especially here in Italy, where the beautiful women there are several, but made up and decorated for the services, it is beautiful, photogenic or the mysteries of Photoshop ?.... .
And 'most recognized' field for a woman, especially 'cause is not about beauty, but the skills' and personal success in any field armies, the show, like politics, music, like the society, and this 'year' went to Jennifer Lopez, which 'was proclaimed Woman of the Year 2011, thanks to its capacita'personali in being able to distinguish not only in the music world, even in his private life, becoming a symbol for many American women, she a humble Puerto Rican girl and 'managed to become an international star, and that the last period and' failed to come out brilliantly by yet very painful divorce from the father of her two sons .....